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Patient Safety & Medical Quality Improvement through Simulation


This professional conference presented the latest innovations and best practices in healthcare simulation for patient simulators, surgical, and ultrasound today. This year the conference theme was:

Patient Safety & Medical Quality Improvement through Simulation


In healthcare today, teams of nurses, doctors, pharmacists, paramedics, dentists, physiotherapists and all allied health professions work together to ensure patient safety and medical quality is at the center of care. This conference brought together these healthcare professionals from Chinese region and the world to debate, discuss, explore, share and network how we can learn, practice and work together during this interactive conference. 


We welcomed oral presentations and interactive workshops from all the healthcare professions whether working in hospital, community or academic settings.  This year, the conference had Chinese as the main languages, and some important plenary speech and workshops will be still in English.


近年來由於醫學模擬人、手術及超音波模擬技術不斷進步,為提昇醫學模擬教育品質及其專業技術,特訂於2014年10月25-26日,在臺中榮民總醫院舉辦『HPSN Chinese 2014 國際華人模擬醫護教育研討會』。會中特別邀請國際華人相關專業人士參加此次研討會,並以模擬器之教學與技術之交流為核心,分享護理、綜合醫學、急救醫學等學科之醫學模擬人教學經驗,另有外科手術模擬操作,超音波影像模擬操作,以及內視鏡、耳底鏡之模擬操作等,共同分享各種不同之模擬器在臨床訓練,醫護教學與研究之成果。故特別在此誠摯的邀請諸賢達先進共襄盛舉,參加本次之研討會,且如有意願,更歡迎您於研討會中發表心得或做實機之模擬展示。祈望本次研討會能夠帶動兩岸三地及華人地區更多的醫療團隊,了解各種模擬系統的應用與發展,進而提升兩岸三地及華人地區的模擬醫學教育的水平。

October 25-26, 2014
Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

1025-26日  //  臺中榮民總醫院 臨床訓練科  // 主要會議語言 - 中文

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